God is moving in powerful ways at TCI.
Thank you for being a part of all that God is doing in and through our church.
It is through the continued generosity of TCI that we are able to introduce the gospel to our community and the world. Please consider partnering with us and let’s change the world together.
Ways to give
Online giving is safe and easy. Give a single gift or a recurring gift by using your checking account, debit card or credit card.
Drop off your gift in the offering kiosk located in the church foyer.
You mail your gift at any time to:
Trinity Church International
7255 South Military Trail
Lake Worth, FL. 33463
Trinity Church International
7255 South Military Trail
Lake Worth, FL. 33463
2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (CEV)
Remember this saying, ‘A few seeds makes a small harvest, and a lot of seeds makes a big harvest.’ Each of you must make up your own mind about how much to give. But don’t feel sorry that you must give and don’t feel that you are forced to give. God loves people who love to give.
Matt +
As Lead Pastors of Trinity Church International, it is our pleasure to welcome you to experience what God is doing in our church. Pastor Matt and Natalie Baker